Thursday, July 3, 2008

Just playing around

My Reflections – DILMIT} Google Groups

I went to DILMIT to check out this course. It seems to be where a team can communicate. So, I have posted an email to someone? Thinking it has been distributed amoung my DIL class/group.

This exercise was simply to navigate this DIL program to find a kind of map to where I am going with this course. Though I have preconceived ideas of where all this information will lead me, I am not all convinced that this course “will be all and end all”. Therefore, I just need to get around and “play with it for now.

DILMIT invites users to email, to which I have done. But, where did it go? Off to cyberspace where all digital information must venture I suppose!#?

One could also open an account for a group to use by clicking the “create” button and filling in the wizard with a “nickname” for the group and other pertinent information.

Then I could not access Saving website on

Neither could I access Social Bookmarking in Plain English.

Of course I have created already a weblog, though without actually knowing what i'd done, so for the sake of utilising this new learned technology I will describe how this was made possible for myself.

I clicked on Create and maintain a basic weblog. WikiEducator and this took me to;; Blogging
This is where blogging is explained and courses can be followed by clicking on; DIL is explained, skill for tertiary students (particularly interesting for me), computer literacy (very extensive), peer tutoring (mentors/mentees), design for flexible learning (a kind of discussion board with blog sites of Otago Uni students doing a course), Art Digital Literacy (a course programme), and Facilitating online communities (use of blogging to learn).
I thought that this was very interesting and the next blog is going to be my reflection of - skills for tertiary students. SEE YOU SOON!
P.S. I found how to edit my comments at any time: click on customise, posting (tab), edit posts, click "edit" of posting required for editing.

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