Monday, July 7, 2008 visitor


I went onto this website to be confronted by a window with moguefile; contains free high resolution digital stock photography for either corporate or public use.Then I scrolled down to morguefile blog and clicked on three blog sites to see where I’d browsed.

The first was a step-by step images for a book cover.

The second was Zack Arias telling us in a seven minute video about how to best get photographs and these were: Texture, technical aspects, most intimidating factor especially with off camera lighting, there is no magic bullet, there is no fast track to doing this, there’s no one piece of equipment that is the answer to everything you have to do, the piece of equipment that you need most is up between your ears, you’ve got to be thinking this through, you’ve got to understand what’s going on, exposure variables.
Shutter speed controls ambient exposure, the ambient light in your environment, get in the mode to shoot, get ready; have to be thinking about what has to come out, have gear ready, into bull pen –studio, test shot first, cleanest file first, started at f4, f21 is a black silhouette, have motion is shot, whip the hair, outside; use light to bring the eye to the subject, 60 inch shoot through lights and environment – model standing beside building can view the sky at top of building, 28 inch softbox keeps light directed on subject – same shot as before just darker.

Then I clicked on bottle cap tripod, an instructional video where you can learn to make a tripod from a soft drink bottle cap with a bolt screwed though the middle of the cap, washers and nut hold the bolt in place, a wing nut is place on top of the nut with another washer as a spacer, then screw the camera to the bottle cap, then screw the cap back on bottle. This gives a nice sturdy base from which to take pictures! I have copy paste the website address below so readers can see first hand for yourselves, enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I watched the video, great idea and simple. I havent checked the thread on my camera, but I suppose it is "standard", but are NZ threaded bolts the same as American ones do you reckon?
